Bees in Honduras

On July 15-19 of this year I took a trip to Copan Ruinas, Honduras to visit the ongoing bee project that was begun by the former Baptist Rural Life Ministries (BRLM) and supported by ADF. The purpose of the trip was to visit with Pastor Victor who has been training and assisting small farmers in honey production for about 8 years.
Victor currently works in about 10 villages with around 40 farmers who have apiaries ranging in size from 5 to 25 hives. He regularly holds training sessions for beekeepers, provides materials at (or slightly reduced) cost to those unable to acquire such necessities as suits and smokers. He also sells wax frames at a price far more affordable than what is available at stores in San Pedro Sula. Finally, he has several boxes of tools - saws, hammers, etc. - for loan to those needing to construct hives.
The project primarily focuses on low income farmers in Honduras but has extended at times into Guatemala and El Salvador. His work also provides opportunities for him to share the Gospel and disciple young Christians while he ministers to their physical needs. Thanks for your past support and please keep Victor in your prayers as he continues working to improve the quality of life for those he serves.